Monday, June 4, 2012

Work In Progress

Here we go! Finally I feel like I have a minute to do a couple of the things I love to do most and that is cook and blog about it on here. I've been busy. I know I always say that. It's because I'm ALWAYS busy. No complaints here though! Ok, one complaint: Why can't I survive on an hour or two of sleep per 24? Wouldn't that be awesome??? I could get so so much done! But as we all know, that little sleep is virtually impossible for us humans and when we try to do something like that we get grouchy, and sick, and fat! OMGoodness that dog is cute. I just thought since I was talking about sleep and all... Anyway, I can barely make it with less than 6 hours of sleep, so there are totally not enough hours in the day. And this brings my to my 365 days of Pinterest. Yes, yes, I know. I am failing my challenge miserably. I believe I'm about 7 days behind. But that's ok. Because I said so. And I get to do that because I made the rules which turned out to actually only be one rule and now I've changed that rule... At this point I am still doing it, but I guess for now we'll just say that those 365 days do not have to necessarily be consecutive. Today I did find time for Day 9. I made some marshmallow popcorn for the kids after I got home from work. And yes of course I found the recipe on Pinterest! Yes I took some pictures and yes I will post them and the recipe shortly. I'm on a diet right now which makes cooking all this good stuff interesting to say the less. Well, not really a "diet" per-say. I'm just watching what I eat and staying away from large amounts of carbs for a couple of weeks...Do you have any idea how hard it is to make something like marshmallow popcorn and not try some when you are trying to stay away from bad carbs??? And for me I must admit "try some" means eat half the bowl. I am very proud of myself though. I had to at least give it a little taste test. I think I ended up eating about a cup of it. Not too bad. I just hope it doesn't make my sugar cravings go out of control. Sugar is such an evil addiction! By the way, it tasted MARVELOUS!!! So, I've fallen behind on my Pinterest activities and haven't been able to work on my blogs as much as I would like because as I said I've been very busy. The kids are out of school. Between the two of us Kraig and I have 7 children! And 1 grandchild. And 2 cats. Because of joint custody we have yet to have everyone together at once. But regardless there are times our little apartment is filled to the max especially now that school is out and not only are our children home but their wonderful friends are around most of the time too. So, keeping up with this huge household and also working a full-time job is more than enough to keep me busy. Of course I could probably make things a little easier on myself. There are probably a lot more times I could make dinner out of a box, or buy more packages of cookies, things like that. But I don't enjoy that. I get so much more out of making things from scratch and seeing the enjoyment on my the faces of my loved ones. I feel very blessed to be able to have the time to do these types of things all the while working full time. As much as I love my job though, I wouldn't be opposed to staying at home all day cooking, decorating, and taking care of my family. If anyone out there would like to pay me to do that I'd be completely open to it. :) There's a lot of really great things happening for us right now. We are moving out of the fore mentioned little apartment into a much bigger and absolutely gorgeous house in the country. Kraig and I are both so excited. This home is our dream come true! I've started packing a little, but still have a long ways to go. We are hoping to be "HOME" by June 11th, my birthday! In the meantime while I'm packing, working, and taking care of my family I will be doing as much as I can to add more things everyday here. This new home is giving me a much needed outlet for my creativity. I have so many ideas for our home! So, just bare with me and stay tuned! I'll have this ball rolling strong soon!

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