Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm a Bad Blogger...

Well maybe not so much "bad" but definitely...what's the best word?  Inconsistent.  Fickle.  Unpredictable.  Yeah that's what kind of blogger I am.  Actually that's what kind of person I am.  Some may deem that as a bad thing...I guess it just depends on the circumstances.  I try to use my self-discipline when its imperative like getting out of bed in the morning, brushing my teeth, going to work, stuff like that.  Now when it comes to less vital things, I am definitely fickle, unpredictable, and inconsistent.  So, in a nutshell that's why I haven't blogged in months.  And why I may not blog again after this for months.  Or maybe I will blog twice a day all week and then not blog for months.  Who knows?  :)    See?  Isn't the suspense exciting?  Better than dull and predictable.  So maybe I'm not a bad blogger after all...

The last few months have been busy filled with doing all kinds of fun summer things with the kids.  We have settled into our new house and are LOVING it.  Now that the excitement of summer is simmering down I should have more time to not only bake, cook, decorate, etc. but hopefully I will be able to blog more about all these things that keep me content.  I'm still completely obsessed with Pinterest and have continued to pin pin pin.  The holidays should be really exciting.  I've got lots of ideas for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!  Today I'm going to post a recipe for a zucchini cake I made over the weekend.  It's yummy yummy!  While working near Columbus about a week ago I came across the cutest little farmers market where I bought some really delicious fruits and vegetables including the zucchini I used for my cake.  I can't wait until next year when I can grow my own!

I also bought a basket of peaches with which I had hoped to make something.  But, they were so good we ate them before I even had a chance to really think about what I could make!  You just can't get peaches like these at your standard run of the mill grocery store.  I will definitely go back again next year and buy extra.